Call for Papers for 9th BEH Workshop9th Workshop in Behavioral and Experimental Health Economics in Hamburg
13 March 2024, by Hannes Rathjen
Photo: Mediaserver Hamburg/Martin Elsen
The HCHE invites to the 9th Workshop in Behavioral and Experimental Health Economics on October 7th to 8th, 2024 in Hamburg. The event is being hosted by the Behavioural Experiments in Health Network. The workshop brings together economists and behavioral scientists who apply behavioral-economics insights and experimental methods to study health-related decision making.
Starting now, papers can be submitted on various health economics topics using experimental methods, regardless of whether they are conducted in the lab or in the field. If you are interested in presenting a paper, please submit either the full paper, or an extended abstract of up to 500 words that addresses each of the following: objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. Preference will be given to full-paper submissions, particularly for long talks. Deadline for submissions is May 15, 2024.
Further information and the possibility to submit can be found here.