HCHE in the international pressFollow this link to see references in the german press.2021 "It's such a relief": how Europe's Covid vaccine rollout is catching up with UK, Juni 2021 2020 Covid-19 Vaccine Rollout Faces Public Concerns Over Safety, Dezember 2020 Covid-19 : les hôpitaux allemands en manque de personnels soignants, November 2020. Germany Aims to Start Coronavirus Vaccination This Year, November 2020 COVID-19: Difficult trade-offs in AstraZeneca vaccine development, November 2020 Fewer Germans willing to get coronavirus vaccine, survey shows, Juli 2020 En Allemagne, la bonne gestion de la crise sanitaire révèle les forces et les faiblesses du système hospitalier, April 2020 El éxito de la canciller científica que encandila al mundo, April 2020 Oversupply of hospital beds helps Germany to fight virus, April 2020 La pandemia examina el federalismo alemán y el centralismo francés, April 2020