Research Stay in the NetherlandsStrengthening the Link with Rotterdam’s Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management
11 September 2024, by Hannes Rathjen
Photo: Carolin Brinkmann & Job van Exel
HCHE’s Carolin Brinkmann visits the Erasmus University Rotterdam for the last project of her dissertation between August and October 2024. The project compares two well-being theories for their implications in health policy decision-making. Prof. Job van Exel and Prof. Werner Brouwer of the Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM) supervise and collaborate on the project. Next to working on an intriguing research question, the visit strengthens the connections between ESHPM and HCHE as well as broaden the network of the early career researcher within the European health economics community.
We thank the German Academic Research Foundation (DFG) for funding the visit as part of the research training group Managerial and Economic Dimensions of Health Care Quality, (grant no. GRK 2805/1). Carolin Brinkmann is an associate doctoral candidate of the research training group.