9th BEHnet workshop in HamburgReview and impressions of the international conference
10 October 2024, by Hannes Rathjen
Photo: HCHE/Löper
From October 7-8, 2024 the 9th Workshop in Behavioral and Experimental Health Economics (BEHnet) took place at the HCHE. The BEH workshop brought together economists and behavioural scientists who apply behavioural economic insights and experimental methods to investigate health-related decisions. This year the Hamburg Center for Health Economics was hosting the conference and welcomed international guests from the UK, Germany, France, USA, Austria, the Netherlands, Finland, Japan, Switzerland and Australia.
Within the conference the participants awarded two researchers for their outstanding posters: The topics “Risk and Prosociality: Can Experimental Decisions Predict Health Behavior?” by Benedicta Herrmanns (Universität Hamburg/HCHE) and “Eliciting preferences for risk and time – A systematic comparison of patients and university students” by Maximilian Zinn (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf/DDZ) received the awards. Find impressions of the event on our LinkedIn site.