202017 December 2020|HCHEenJonas Schreyögg in the top 1% of the research rankingsPhoto: HCHEJonas Schreyögg, Scientific Director of the HCHE, has been ranked 27th in WirtschaftsWoche's ranking of the most research-intensive business...27 November 2020|HCHEenHCHE core member PD Dr. André Hajek awarded research prizePhoto: HCHEHCHE core member PD Dr. André Hajek was appointed by the German Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde e. V...24 November 2020|HCHEenCorona pandemic: population cautiously optimistic about the coming monthsPhoto: Vektor Kunst iXimus auf PixabayEven though many people in Germany are concerned about the economic situation in the country, the majority of them support the current measures and...16 November 2020|HCHEenSenator for science Katharina Fegebank gets informed about corona research at the HCHEPhoto: HCHEHow great is international approval for the protective measures adopted to contain the pandemic? How high is the readiness to vaccinate? Katharina...28 September 2020|HCHEenPeople's concern is growing, but so is their carelessnessPhoto: Vektor Kunst iXimus auf PixabayWhile concerns about someone's own health are currently increasing again with in the number of infections rising again, the willingness to comply with...10 September 2020|ForschungHCHE publishes expert opinion on the needs-based design of hospital reimbursement on behalf of the Techniker KrankenkassePhoto: FotoliaFor about 15 years, the per-case flat rate system has been in force in Germany for hospital financing. Experience with this system has brought out the...28 August 2020|ForschungFinal report on the effects of the PEPP remuneration system publishedPhoto: AdobeStockWith the introduction of the “pauschalierenden Entgeltsystems Psychiatrie und Psychosomatik"” (PEPP) (flat-rate psychiatry and psychosomatic...5 August 2020|ForschungManaging Corona - Highlights from the second wave of the surveyPhoto: PixabayWith "Managing the COVID-19 pandemic: New results from the European survey on policy support, confidence and vaccination attitudes" there is now an...13 July 2020|HCHEenThe willingness to vaccinate is decreasing, concerns about side effects are growingPhoto: pixabayIn the fight against the coronavirus, a vaccine is considered crucial. But would the population use it? While in April 2020, 70 percent of the people...7 July 2020|HCHEenHCHE Research Seminar also online a successful formatPhoto: HCHEThe HCHE Research Seminar ended this semester with the lecture of Prof. Dr. Renate Hartwig last Monday. Due to the corona pandemic our seminar could...Show all news